This new piece came out of nowhere. It started with an old chair leg which was nanoseconds away from going back to the dump, from where it had come a few years earlier, but at the last moment spoke up in protest and quickly said
"this needs eyes". Of course the wheels, eyelashes and foot followed in rapid succession. I love it when these recent pieces practically build themselves in very short order. The piece has been juried into an exhibition at the Salem Art Association in Salem, MA as an adjunct exhibition to the Peabody, Essex Museum, in Salem, MA, titled:
"Eye Spy, Playing with Perception" www.pem.org
“Getting an Eye-Fool: The Art of Looking”
This year's PEM Companion Show!!
Friday, September 3–Sunday, September 26, 2010
(Artists’ Reception: September 12, 4:00–7:00 pm)
The Gallery at 63 Wharf Street (63A Pickering Wharf)
another homerun!!! I love the photos!!! great job!!!