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For the last several years my sculptural work has become largely kinetic and interactive. It is often witty, profound and provocative. Much of it seems to exist in the realm of the unlikely. These days, my mind is in a whirl, trying to understand how to make very complicated things appear to be smooth, slow and coordinated.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Daedelus, on the other hand . . .

This beautiful image was taken this past friday at the Boston Sculptors Gallery by Richard Olken during a rare 3minute interval while the sun was reflecting off the floor in the next gallery. As Daedelus' wings slowly lifted him skyward, the shadows projected onto the wall. It was another of those splendid serendipitous moments. Thank you Richard!

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous flights of fancy and fancy flying.
    Regards from New Mexico.
